Thursday 2 March 2017

What Is Buisness, How can you be a good Businessman?

Introduction Of Business Business means such an activity which is carried out to earn money. Buying and selling things or services is c... thumbnail 1 summary
Introduction Of Business

Business means such an activity which is carried out to earn money. Buying and selling things or services is called a business. A business can be a group that run business, such as a trading company, franchise, store, factory and etc. 

What Is Buisness, How can you be a good Businessman?

How Can You Be A Good Businessman?

1. Capital/Money: He who wants to run a business in order to earn money, he must have money to capitalize the business. Because in the most cases, you need money to commence a business. Without money, it will be very hard for you to start your business. So money is the basic need to run a business. In this way, you can be a only a businessman.

2. Knowledge: Unless you have knowledge about your desired business, you won't be able to run it. Knowledge is not about only desired business; rather it's about all businesses. When you have knowledge about business, only then you will be able to start and run it. So to run any kind of business, you must have knowledge about it.

3. Skill: After knowledge, you must have skills about business. Because your skills about business will make you a good businessman. For a good business, you must have some skills, too.

4. Marketing: In a business, marketing is also an important thing. You must have knowledge about marketing and running. When you go to the markets, you will know about the market nature and its flow. Visiting the markets, you will know what sort of products are being bought and sold there.

5. Understanding: It's also an important part of a business. Your understanding with your labor will get you more work than needed. When you are kind to your workers, they will get you benefits by working well. In this way, you can win their hearts.

6. Ability of planning: Ability of planning is a good thing in a business. When you are able to make a good plan, you will achieve what you want.

7. Control: Staying in the business, you must have your control over the workers. In this way, you can get work done through them and easily. If you don't have control over them, they won't work well.

8. Paying salaries: As you know well, everybody does work to earn money. If he doesn't get his wages on time, he won't be happy. If you pay their salaries on time, they will be happy with you and will be kind to you.

9. Labor rights: Respecting rights of others is a good thing. You must remember to respect the rights of your labor or workers. Because when rights are given, then circumstances do not get worse.

10. Bonus and increment: If you think your workers are doing good work, you can give them bonus. too. And after a specific period (6 months or 1 year), you can increase their salaries as well.

With reference to the above things, if follow these things, you will be a good businessman. Without them, you can never be a good or a successful businessman. 

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